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Manage Users

User Management in LOU occurs in a few different places. In addition to Manage Users, check these out:
Before creating profiles and assigning job titles for users, you must enter them in the system. That’s where Manage Users comes in. The Manage Users screen will allow to invite new users, make them administrators, force reset passwords, and assign Bundle Access.

IMPORTANT! Everyone who is going to access LOU Web or LOU Retail POS must have their own username and password. You must not share logins as this is not secure and can cause problems with data in the system, including overwriting each other and not saving changes, when logged in on multiple devices. For proper tracking and auditing, every user should have their own unique username and password. You should not share user access with anyone. Each user should only be logged into one app on one device, and ONE tab, at a time. 


Go to Setup / Configuration / Manage Users


Invite New Users

  1. To invite a new user, click Invite User(s).
  2. Enter an email address. The system will send out an email invite.
    1. You can use the +Add to add additional emails and send all at once.
  3. Click Invite once you’ve entered the email address(es) to which you want to send an invitation.

Users will receive an email from the LOU Team.

REMEMBER! User invites expire after 72 hours. Make sure you invite users when they’re ready to accept the invite from a computer. Invites should not be accepted from mobile devices. Users must accept invites on a machine that is not currently logged into LOU.


Single Sign-On (SSO)

If your company uses Google Gmail and those are the email addresses you use to invite users, your users can use SSO to sign into LOU once they’ve been invited.


Make a User an Administrator

To make a user an administrator, locate the user and check the box for Is Administrator. Likewise, unchecking the box for Is Administrator will remove administrator permissions.


Force Reset

You cannot see your users' passwords. You can force them to reset the password by finding the user and clicking the Force Reset link next to the user's name. The user will be forced to reset their password the next time they log in.

REMEMBER! This requires them to successfully log in first, then they will be prompted to change their password. This feature cannot be used to help a user who has forgotten their password. They must use the Forgot Password link for that.


Assign Bundle Access

You can grant users access to bundled services by clicking the Assign Bundle Access link.

The link will take you to Assign Bundle Access. You can click Active/Inactive under the column for the bundled service you want to deactivate or activate for the user.

When you deactivate a feature, that user will not be able to access that bundled service in LOU.

IMPORTANT! This is something often forgotten when inviting new users. They will not be able to access the features specific to the Retail or Service bundles until you grant them access.


Delete a User

You cannot delete a user. However, you can deactivate a user by unchecking the box under Active next to the User’s name.