Create Estimate Stages


Document Stages help you track what point in the process a given Document is in. For example, you’ve written up an Estimate for the customer and they’re still thinking it over. They haven’t given you an answer whether they are accepting it. You can mark the Document as something like Waiting on Customer.

In LOU, you can create different Stages for each Document Type: Sales Orders, Work Orders, and Estimates.

Stages are nothing more than customized lists you can use with your Documents to provide a better picture and understanding for you in reporting.

Go to Product Setup / Sales / Estimate Stages

  1. To create a new Estimate Stage, click 
  2. Type a Description in the field.

You can hit <Enter> and continue entering Descriptions until you have the list.

To designate a Stage as the Default for this Document Type, check the box in the Default column for that line item.

Delete Estimate Stage
You cannot delete a Stage, but you can inactivate it by unchecking the box under the Active column for that line item.

You can see inactive Stages by changing the status dropdown on the Estimate Stages page to All from Active.