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Release Notes for LOU47

Release Date: September 28, 2022

My software brings all the boys to the yard and they’re like “LOU’s better than yours!”

New Features
  • Warehouse Tile: We’ve added a new Tile to your LOU dashboard that pulls together many existing features and a couple new features related to Inventory Management.
  • Pick List: Create a list of SKUs to pull from Inventory for staging Orders and stocking Vehicles for Service Calls. Manage Pick Lists from the new Pick List tile in the new Warehouse tile!
  • Transfer Inventory to Vehicles: When you have Vehicles set up as Stock Sites, you can make transferring Inventory from Location Stock Sites to Vehicle Stock Sites easy! Located in the new Warehouse tile.

Feature Changes and Enhancements
  • Packing Slips on Work Orders: When you print a Work Order, you will now have the option to print a Packing Slip just like Sales Orders.
  • SKU Category Redesign: We’ve totally revamped the way SKU Categories work in LOU. The biggest change you’ll notice is in Inventory Search. LOU now handles Inventory searches filtered for SKU Categories more dynamically and intuitively. We’ve also removed the SKU Categories Setup Tile and Import. Instead, LOU will handle creating and maintaining SKU Categories through the Create SKU and SKU Import processes.
  • SKU Details – Sales: Improved functionality and performance in line with many other LOU pages. Displays Invoices filtered for the selected SKU.
  • Checklist Yes/No: When a Prompt and Answer is a Yes/No question, it will display as “Yes” or “No” instead of a checkbox.
  • My Transactions: When you access My Transactions, each line item will now display the relevant ID. Customer, Invoice, Document, Customer Payment, or Purchase Order IDs. **This is not a retro change. You will only see IDs on history created after the LOU47 release.
  • Copy Route: When you create a Route in Route Mapping, you can click Copy Route allowing you to quickly add a Route to multiple Schedule Divisions.
  • Purchase Order Serialized SKUs: When a Serialized SKU is added to a PO, the Quantity will display as 1 instead of “Sale”. You must still add Serialized SKUs with a single quantity per line item. You cannot increase the QTY of a single line item when the SKU is Serialized.
  • Customer Portal Link to Company Phone/Email/Website: When your Customers access the Customer Portal, your Company Phone, Email, and Website are links they can click to quickly call, email, or access the website from a mobile device.
  • SKU Vendor Mass Update: Download a Vendor Mass Update Template filtered for Manufacturer in addition to Vendor. You can choose one or the other, or both!

Bug Fixes
  • Discontinued SKU Not Deleted: We corrected an issue that prevented a Discontinued SKU from being correctly deleted from Quick SKU lists when it has been deleted everywhere else.
  • Mass Invoice Job Creates GL Postings with Incorrect Dates: We corrected an issue so that when Invoices are created through Mass Invoice for Recurring Orders, the GL Postings have the current date as expected.
  • SKU Description not Updating on Quick SKU Lists: We corrected an issue where SKU Descriptions were not getting updated correctly on Quick SKU Lists after being updated in the SKU Profile.
  • SKU Mass Update SKU Categories: We corrected an issue where SKUs were switching to a different SKU Category after SKU Mass Update Import.
  • Receive Negative Inventory – GL Postings: We corrected an issue where Purchase Receipts reflecting a negative quantity received were not using the correct GL Expense Account for the main SKU Category.
  • SKU Category in Map SKUs to Financials: We corrected an issue where the SKU Category was listed multiple times in the dropdown for SKU Category in Map SKUs to Financials.
  • SKU Search – Long SKU Names and Descriptions: We corrected an issue that caused SKUs with SKU Names and Descriptions that max out the character limits were not displaying correctly.
  • Inactive Divisions – Work Orders: We corrected an issue that caused inactive Schedule Divisions to display when promoting an Estimate to a Work Order.
  • Pending Work Order Invoices: We corrected an issue so that only Invoices for Work Orders display when Work Order Invoices are selected in the dropdown under Pending Invoices.
  • Voided Payments become Unapplied Payments: We corrected an issue so that once a Payment is voided, you cannot “unvoid” the Payment.