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Release Notes for LOU27.1

Release Date: May 3, 2021

This is a patch release. No new features are included.

New Features

N/A for Patch Releases

  • Import Data: We enhanced Spreadsheet Management internally to allow Evosus employees to refresh the status of the spreadsheet to verify they are ready for updating.

Bug Fixes
  • General Ledger Out of Balance: We corrected an issue that caused a disconnect between Invoices and the GL. When the Invoice would round up, the GL would not, causing an imbalance. Example: SKU totals .6667. The Invoice will round up to .67 and the GL Posting would display .66.
  • Printed Invoice Subtotal: We corrected an issue with Serialized SKUs that only showed on Printed Invoices. When a kit contains a serialized SKU, adding a Subtotal line caused the Serialized SKU to jump out of the Kit.