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Release Notes for LOU24

Release Date: February 23, 2021

You get a new LOU! And you get a new LOU! EVERYONE GETS A NEW LOU!

New Features
  • Recurring Order Mass Invoicing: Recurring Orders can be mass invoiced at the end of the month. The standard rules for Invoicing still apply. The REO's tasks must all be complete before it can be Invoiced. Mass Invoicing is a batch process that gets queued to complete during off-peak hours. As soon as an Order has been included in the Mass Invoice process, it will gray out and become accessible as a Read Only document until the Invoice process has completed. This prevents users from making changes to the Order that would impact the Invoice.
  • Checklists: Checklists can be simple checklists or more complex, requiring Personnel to input data on each line item. There is some setup required for this feature. They can be configured to be included on specific Service Task Types.
  • Personnel Tasks: Personnel Tasks are an internal to-do list of sorts for LOU Personnel. Each User will see their Tasks when accessing the feature. However, Admins can switch Users to see and create Tasks for other Users.
  • Terms & Conditions: Terms and Conditions can be created and customized for inclusion on documentation. Different Terms and Conditions can be configured for different Documents.

Feature Changes and Enhancements
  • Pool360 SKU Import Help Text: Updated the SKU Import Help Text and shifted the SKU Selected count location to better meet software standards.
  • Stock Adjustments – Data Storage: We changed the way data is stored internally (not visible) for Stock Adjustments so that we can improve Reporting capabilities.
  • My Account Button: The My Account button that appears on the upper right regardless of the LOU screen you’re viewing has been enhanced to display the User Name instead of “My Account”. This will help identify, immediately, who is logged into the session in which you’re working.
  • Documents – Standards: When creating a new Estimate or Sales Order, LOU now includes New Customer, Start an Interview, and Map Location & Route links available just like Work Orders.

Bug Fixes
  • POS Invoice – Failure to Create: We corrected an issue with SKU Counts that affected POS Invoices from syncing to LOU Web properly.
  • Documents – Stock Site Search: We corrected an issue with Stock Site searches in the documents. They will correctly search Stock Sites and Bins.
  • Document Search: We corrected an issue that prevented the Document Description from correctly displaying on the Document Search screen.
  • Stock Sites – Add: We corrected an issue that caused new Stock Sites to be added to the top of the list instead of correctly being added to the bottom of the list.
  • Email Addresses in Documents: We corrected an issue that allowed users to save an email address that did not have the proper email format. An alert message will warn the user to use the correct email format.
  • POS – New Customers: We corrected an issue that caused New Customers created through LOU Retail POS to be created without a Customer Type.
  • Completed Invoices in Pending Invoice Search: We corrected an issue that prevented Invoices from being correctly marked as Complete when the Deposit covers the entire balance of the Order.